Introduction : About marketing -- Seven key concepts for marketing libraries : The seven concepts ; Anchoring these ideas in marketing theory -- Strategic marketing : The marketing cycle ; Decide on your goals ; Market research ; Segmentation ; Set objectives ; Promotional activities ; Measurement ; Evaluation ; 8. Modification -- Developing a marketing plan -- The library brand : Quick definitions ; What is library branding? ; Visual identity ; Merchandise ; Slogans ; Branding and marketing a converged library and IT service -- Marketing and the library building : Library design ; Signs and displays ; Marketing the library as space -- An introduction to online marketing : The library website ; Search Engine Optimization (SEO) ; Mobile websites ; E-mail -- Marketing with social media : Do your patrons use social media? ; General principles of marketing with social media ; Twitter ; Facebook ; Blogs and blogging ; Tumblr ; Google+ ; LinkedIn ; Conclusion -- Marketing with new technologies : Quick definitions ; Video marketing ; Image sharing ; QR codes ; Geolocational apps ; Web 2.0 catalogues and live chat ; Podcasts Wikis ; Slide sharing ; Viral marketing ; Technology and teenagers -- Marketing and people : Collaborating with people ; Reaching people -- Internal marketing : The importance of internal marketing ; Marketing to internal stakeholders ; Marketing with internal stakeholders: co-operative promotion -- Library advocacy as marketing : National campaigns and localPromotingg ; Pormoting your library incriticisme to citicism of libraries in general ; Advocacy, positiveand possitive messages ; The library media narrative ; Trojan horse advocacy -- Marketing special collections and archives : Introduction ; Access, access, access: marketing digital collections ; Genealogy ; Tailoring your marketing to fit the cultural landscape ; Mounting and promoting a more traditional exhibition ; Learning from museums ; Crowdsourcing ; Marketing audiovisual materials -- A final word on marketing libraries -- Appendix: Glossary of Web 2.0 tools and platforms.