You can search by typing a word, or you can click a link to search a category.
Search by typing a word
1. Type a word or words in the Look for box.
2. Pick a place in the library catalog to look for the word you typed:
3. To clear your search results and go back to the home page, click the picture
at the top of the page.
Search a category
1. Click a link on the home page to search a category.
You see a list of related categories and targets. When you click a target,
you may launch a search, see a list of titles, or go to a Web site.
2. Click a related category, or click a target.
If you clicked a related category, you may see more categories, or targets,
or both. You can move around in a category by clicking the links at the top
of the page. They show the categories and related categories you have already
If you clicked a target, you see search results, a list of links to titles,
or a Web site.
3. To clear your search results and go back to the home page, click the picture
at the top of the page.